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Delta Blues Study Piece #3 - Intermediate
5 Sections
This week’s featured lesson we’ll be taking a look at a blusey fingerstyle composition. It’s entitled ‘Delta Blues Study Piece #3’ and I’ve written up two arrangements for this lesson....
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Grooving Country and Blues - Intermediate Fingerstyle
4 Sections
This week’s featured lesson is a fingerstyle piece I’ve entitled ‘Grooving Country and Blues.’ It’s in the key of A and we’ll be using the alternate thumb bass throughout the...
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12 Bar Blues in A - Licks and Phrases #2
4 Sections
This is an original composition I created a standard 12 bar blues in the key of A. I’ve written up two arrangements that involve slides, hammer-ons, and double stops. We’ll...
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Simple Bass Walks in A
1 Section
This is the 5th lesson in Rhythm Month at the site and this time I’ve written up an easy progression in the key of A. You’ll learn some simple bass...
Sweet and Nice Beginner - Fingerstlye Blues in A - Free Lesson
1 Section
This week’s free lesson is an original composition designed for those of you looking to get started with Bluesy and Travis-style finger-picking. This is a beginner arrangement that will focus...
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Sweet and Nice - Beginning and Intermediate Fingerstyle Blues in A
4 Sections
Here is an original composition that I’m calling ‘Sweet and Nice – Fingerstyle Blues in A.’ This is a bluesy fingerstyle lesson that comes with two arrangements. The first arrangement is a beginner...
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Smooth and Cool - 12 Bar Blues in A
4 Sections
Here is a lesson I’m calling ‘Smooth and Cool’ 12 Bar Blues in A. This is an original composition that involves a nice slow shuffle feel along with some really cool licks...
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Don't Give Your Heart to a Rambler
2 Sections
Here is my arrangement for the tune “Don’t Give Your Heart to a Rambler” in the key of A. I’ve created an intermediate to advanced solo for this one. I’d...
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Boogie Woogie Blues in A
4 Sections
Here is a lesson I created for soloing over the 12 bar blues in the key of A. I gave this a nice “Boogie Woogie” feel using the A major pentatonic scales. This...
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Amie -Full Song Lesson - Pure Prairie League
4 Sections
Here is my lesson for the 1970’s classic “Amie” done by the Pure Prairie League. I’ve included all parts of learning this song. I have written up the intro, the...
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12 Bar Blues in A - Intermediate to Advanced
4 Sections
Here is a great lesson to get you soloing over a 12 bar blues in the key of A. I’m working out of three positions on the neck and I...
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Sing Me Back Home - The Vault (Sing/Strum/Play)
1 Section
This is the lesson for “Sing Me Back Home” in the key of A from my series called ‘The Vault.’ ‘The Vault’ acts as a bonus section for Premiere members...
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