We have a few bugs. Some ‘features/links’ may be broken. We’re working on it. -Ryan

How to use the site and search for lessons

Please watch this video on how to ‘generally’ use the site.  It goes over everything about accessing lessons, downloading tabs, and using all the ‘search’ functions.  If you have any questions leave on a comment on this page!


Using the site as a Premiere Member 


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8 thoughts on “How to use the site and search for lessons”

  1. Hi Ryan, as a new member who started playing the guitar at 58 now 60 (it’s never too late to learn) i am still in the throws of learning the guitar, but have found your site invaluable.
    I am working my way through the beginners easy country & bluegrass chord progression exercise at the moment and will attempt some of the basic courses. Thanks for help and inspiration to keep on keeping on. There’s so much to learn so i will strumming away. Best wishes kevin lindsay, in Crawley Down, West Sussex, England, UK

  2. Hi Ryan, good grief, you’re not only a fantastic guitar player and teacher but also a great computer geek. I know I haven’t communicated much but I’m following your teaching and picking up quite a lot from your site. I know I’ve taken on more than I really should have at this time of my life but I don’t regret any part of it. I’ll fill you in on some of it: To start with I am trying to finish getting the most beautiful 1928 Model A Ford you will ever see done, I have a bluegrass band called (what else) “Canyon 88” . I also have written over 300 songs. I still can’t believe how many people I have met through music. But it seems way to many have left us but I guess we all have our time we must go. I got to meet and play with Dale Ann Bradley ( the #1 bluegrass singer in the country for 5 years) Granpa Jones was a good friend for a long time, till he passed away. He introduced me to Hank Snow, Slim Whitman and a lot of others. I am also an inventor, so life’s been very interesting. Keep up the good work. By the way one song I wrote is a Marty Robbins type song called Maria and I was wondering is there any way you could slip in some spanish type music like he played? Thanks

    1. Haha! Thanks very much, Gust and I’m glad to hear you’ve been absorbing some info using the site! You sound like a very unique man that could tell stories for days. 🙂

  3. Hi Ryan – thanks for a well thought out website and great solo pieces. You showed in the tutorial that we click on “favorites” to get to all the lessons I am focusing on but I haven’t found how to put a lesson into the favorites. How do I do that? Bob

    1. Hey Bob- You’re welcome! Glad you found the site. 🙂 The favorite button is always located on the ‘lesson home page’ where the description of the lesson is, the PDF downloads, and the audio track player. It’s a big green button but you may need to scroll down a bit if you’re on mobile. Let me know if you have any further questions!