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Bluegrass and Old-time Rhythm Exercise in C Position – #1

This lesson is all about improving your Bluegrass and Old-time rhythm in ‘C’ position. We’re going to work through three arrangements within a very common chord progression. This lesson will act as a study piece since each arrangement will build into the next. We’ll start with a very basic first time through and learn some fundamentals or ‘must-know’ bass walks. Then, we’re going to explore different ways to do these bass walks in the next two arrangements. This lesson is definitely influenced by players like Doc Watson and Norman Blake. Some of the stuff they do might sound complicated but I would say a lot of it is very obtainable. So, we’re going to take a closer look adding energy to your playing, learning multiple bass walks, and have fun doing it! This lesson should give you tons of ideas on how to improve your rhythm playing and give you lots of ‘tricks’ to put in your back pocket!

This lesson includes.

– PDF Tabs
– Over 40 Minutes of up-close video
– 4 Practice Tracks at 1140, 160, 180, and 200 BPM
– Broken up into 10 separate videos so you can move around easier

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