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Walk on Boy – 2 Arrangements

Here are two arrangements I’ve created for the tune ‘Walk on Boy’ in the key of Am.  We’ll be doing this lesson in the style of Doc Watson and working on some of the classic licks you might hear him do.  The first arrangement is largely down in 1st position while the second arrangement will crawl up and down the fretboard.  This will be a good lesson for those of you looking to play in the style of Doc and start learning some Am licks!  Go ahead and give it a listen!

This lesson includes:

– PDF Tabs and Notation
– Over 35 Minutes of up-close video
– 3 Practice Tracks at 130, 140, and 150 BPM (with and without lead)
– Broken up into 5 separate videos so you can move around easier
– Rhythm Lesson

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