East Virginia Blues – Carter Style and Intermediate Flatpicking
Here are my arrangements for the old-time tune “East Virginia Blues” in the key of E. We’ll be working out of ‘C position’ and the first time through is a straight-ahead ‘Carter-Style’ arrangement. The second time through we’ll move to a sweet portion of the fretboard and do an intermediate Flatpicking arrangement. The second solo also has just a touch of ‘David Rawlings’ that you might be able to get a feel for. Go ahead and give it a listen!
This lesson includes.
– PDF Tabs and Notation (Both Arrangements)
– 30 Minutes of up-close video
– 3 Audio Tracks at 120, 140, and 160 BPM (with and without the lead)
– Broken up into 4 separate videos so you can move around easier
– Slow Walk-Through Clips