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Daddy Buried Grandpa in the Garden – Advanced

This lesson comes from an original song written by my good friend Brandon Allai who plays with the band Signal Ridge out of Lawrence, KS. The song is entitled ‘Daddy Buried Grandpa in the Garden’ and it’s done in the key of C. This is a light-hearted song about his grandfathers passing in which Brandon’s dad spread the Ashes of his grandfather in their family garden so that each spring they would get a chance to ‘see’ him again. The melody is absolutely beautiful and I approached this arrangement as though I was ‘hired’ or ‘directed’ to create an opening solo (Or kickoff) for this tune. This will give you an idea of how I would craft an arrangement for an album recording or a live performance.

You can listen to Brandon’s songs and listen to this recording from the album ‘Prairie Fire’ directly at this link! They write and record nearly all original music in which Brandon writes most of the songs for the band. Check them out here – Signal Ridge!

This lesson includes.

– PDF Tabs
– Over 30 Minutes of up-close video
– 2 Practice Tracks at 140 and 160 BPM
– Broken up into 4 separate videos so you can move around easier

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