Save 15% on Premiere Memberships!


You might start seeing some orange boxes or ‘stars’ that indicate an ‘interactive player’ or a title that says ‘Soundsliced.’ 

The “Soundslice” player is a brand new feature that’s available to Premiere Members only.   It’s a powerful tool that allows you to speed up, slow down, loop sections of the piece all while the notes and video are being played.  I’ve just begun to incorporate  it for all my lessons as of September 5th 2019.  It’s going to take me 5-7 weeks to get it involved on every single lesson but I already have it in place for a number of lessons (everything within the last year and a half).

Again, it’s only available to Premiere members and it’s probably the single most powerful tool I’ve ever come across for learning arrangements!  To learn more and see how it works (you need to see it in action!) check out this video below – 

Yes!  The Premiere membership will get you access to all videos and courses.  It doesn’t matter the style, genre, or level of the material, you get access to it all.   This includes the Rhythm Series, Developing Fretboard Awareness Course, Beginner Guitar eCourse 101, The Vault, and the Video Exchange Program.   

If you have further questions let me know!

Nope!  You do NOT have to become a Premiere member to buy single lessons. 

You will have to create an account in order to buy a lesson which you’ll do at checkout and is of course, free.   

If you’re having trouble resetting your password here is a couple things you can look for.  

First, the ‘reset email’ my end up in your ‘junk’ or ‘spam’ folder so double check that and see if it landed in there.

Second, if problems persist simply email me and I can reset it very easily for you.

[email protected]

Once you purchase a lesson you’ll have access to that lesson for a very long time.  I can’t say forever as that’s not realistic and I probably can’t live up to that statement.  But you will have access to it for at least 2 years and probably longer. 

So, please download the sheet music and learn the lesson. 

I have no plans of changing the site for a very long time but I simply can’t say you’ll be able to access the lesson forever.  

If you have any questions about this feel free to email me.



You’ll need an account (Free Membership) at the site to access the free lessons.

Once you login you’ll see a ‘tab’ for ‘free lessons’ in the second navigation or the middle of your screen.  If you’re on mobile- click on the ‘user’ icon and the sidebar will pop-out and you should see a link for ‘free lessons.’  

Also, you can use the sidebar or the filter to click on ‘free lessons’ as well.  Go to ‘All Video Lessons’ and find ‘free’ in the filter. 

Let me know if you have any questions.

There is no longer a download limit on tabs and audio tracks.  It’s unlimited to Premiere Members.


Yes!  Just email me and I’ll give you access to it through the site!

[email protected]

Yep!  If you signup with one of the Premiere Memberships and would like to upgrade to a different payment plan you can do so anytime.  The system will automatically pro-rate you at checkout! 

So, if you’re on a monthly plan and 2 weeks in you decide you really enjoy the site you can upgrade to a quarterly or yearly payment plan and the system will pro-rate you for your remaining time.  You’ll see hte pro-rate at the checkout.  

Let me know if you have any questions about this.

Yes.  All membership fees (monthly, quarterly, and yearly) are recurring payments. 

You can cancel anytime.  Meaning – You can signup for the yearly membership, ‘cancel’ it and still have access to the site for 365 days.  You’re really just canceling the ‘billing agreement.’  This applies to monthly and quarterly payments as well. 

No.  You can stream in the video as much as you’d like but there are no downloading videos available.  You can bookmark a page within your browser to view offline.  

I have a 14-day money back guarantee.  If you’re not completely satisfied with the instruction after 14 days I’m happy to refund your payment in full, no questions asked.  

If you’re wanting a refund after that time frame, I’ll be handling it case-by-case.  Email me with questions at [email protected] 

I add one to two new lessons each week and have been doing so for over 4 years now. I work hard at putting out a quality lesson each and every week!

Yes! Join the ‘Free Membership’ and you can try out excerpts from all my courses and access to 40 free lessons. You should be able to get a good idea of my approach and style of teaching within these lessons.

Yes! The site is completely mobile friendly and you can use/access everything on any device!

Yep! I’ve been blessed that this website has turned into my full-time job and I can focus on creating new lessons every day. I spend my time writing, recording, and filming most days of the week along with responding emails to members and making the website the best I can.

Yeppers! I’ve got two little kids (ages 6 and 4) and a wife! My wife is our primary care provider and now is starting to work part-time as the kids are getting a bit older. I work full-time on the site and my kids are in kindergarten and Pre-K. We’re a busy family and love to be outside in the garden, in the woods, playing sports, and hanging out with other families.

Yes, very! I pay a premium with my hosting provider to provide the highest security possible. My ‘payment gateway’ is one of the most trusted in the online world of business. I take the security of this site very seriously.

Just go to ‘Your Membership’ page and look for the text/link that says ‘cancel membership’ and follow the steps.