Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss – Carter Style and David Rawlings Style
In this week’s featured lesson we’ll take a look at learning the Old-Time Folk tune ‘Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss’ in the key of D. We’ll be working out of ‘C position’ and we’ll be learning to play the melody in four different places on the fretboard. The first two times will be played straight-ahead and using a bit of the Carter-Style picking. The last two times will sit in the intermediate to advanced level with some David Rawlings influence within them. Thus, we’ll use more chromatic runs, hammer-ons, pull-offs, and a wide range of the fretboard. Go ahead and give it a listen below!
This lesson includes:
– PDF Tabs and Notation (Both Arrangements)
– Over 35 Minutes total of up-close video
– 3 speeds of practice tracks at 140, 160, and 180 BPM (With and without lead)
– Slow Walk Through clips of each arrangement