We have a few bugs. Some ‘features/links’ may be broken. We’re working on it. -Ryan

The Soundslice Player

You might start seeing some orange boxes or ‘stars’ that indicate an ‘interactive player’ or a title that says ‘Soundsliced.’

The “Soundslice” player is a brand new feature and practice tool that’s available to Premiere Members only.   This powerful tool that allows you to speed up, slow down, loop sections of the piece all while the notes and video are being played.  I’ve just begun to incorporate it for all my lessons as of September 5th, 2019.  It’s going to take me 5-7 weeks to get it involved in every single lesson but I already have it in place for a number of lessons (everything within the last year and a half).

Again, it’s only available to Premiere members and it’s probably the single most powerful tool I’ve ever come across for learning arrangements!  To learn more and see how it works (you need to see it in action!) check out this video below –

Access the Soundslice Practice Tool today!

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12 thoughts on “The Soundslice Player”

  1. great addition, I have used before and this looks like it has been improved. I have been meaning to suggest Ryan incorperate it ! Really useful when you are learning a new piece.
    wish these aids were around 50 + years ago when I had my first guitar.

  2. Soundslice is a great addition to your lessons. Thank you so very much! The three features which mean the most to me are (1) the ability to vary the speed of the audio (2) the option of viewing notation and (3) the option to loop various parts of the audio.

    Tabs have always been hard for me to follow so the notation means a lot. Seeing the notes along with the tabs also helps to implant the names of the notes on the fretboard firmly in your mind, especially when playing up the neck. It would be ever so good if notation was also available on the pdf files, or if we could print the Soundslice pages.

  3. Ryan…This tool is great! Just wondering….Tab is w/o pick direction symbols so being weaned off using them we should be more aware and figure it out for ourselves?

    1. Thanks, Terry! Yeah, I don’t have the pick direction included on there because it didn’t look good the way it was laid out in the Soundslice player. So, yep, you just gotta be more aware of where the beat is!

  4. I think Soundslice will be very helpful. I have been using GuitarPro software but it appears that Soundslice has some powerful and useful features that are not in QP. Thanks for adding it to Music With Ryan.